Everything You Need To Know About Dating A Moon In Aquarius Man

He can come off a bit guarded at times, either being sarcastic or aloof. He can be offish or indirect when talking about emotions. https://datingjet.org/bookofmatches-review/ He finds it overbearing when other people experience intense emotions, like tears, anger, frustration around him.

He sometimes doesn’t sleep because he stresses he won’t succeed at what he’s trying to do. Sun Capricorns are the most determined and ambitious people in the zodiac. They are organized, disciplined and very good with money. That’s why they need a lover who’s ready to support them when they will fight for success in their career. When it comes to their personal life, they are like the protagonists of a soap opera because they are stormy and very passionate. They will not be able to have harmonious relationships because they will focus too much on their work.

This Moon sign embodies an adventurous and idealistic energy, with a passion for travel and study. Their freedom-loving aspects are balanced with a warm and communicative character. The Sagittarius Moon is astrology’s clever and restless adventurer, our idealist and philosopher king, our crusader and philanthropist. They’re someone who can help you seek out new horizons in life, but who is also ambitious enough to have the desire to leave you behind when they go on their next adventure.

The moon on Tuesday, January 30, 1973

Aquarius moons believe too much emotion gets in the way of daily living. It’s far easier to view people and situations from a more mental and logical perspective. It’s easier to assess if someone is in need when their circumstances are analyzed. Get your Aquarius man a gift that will stimulate ~his mind~.

Scorpio woman (October 23 – November

Sagittarians like action and enjoy traveling to new places. These folk are extroverts and cheerful individuals who don’t stay gloomy or sad for long. As a result, it is pleasant to spend time with a person, who was born when Sagittarius was in the sun. Born under the sign of Aquarius, men with Moon in Sagittarius have distinct personality traits.

These individuals are optimistic, expressive, and love life. A Sagittarius woman can make you feel good on your darkest days. You should not date a Sagittarius sun/Aquarius moon individual if you want a person who stays at home with you all day. This person won’t enjoy a partner who is too clingy and demanding. Instead, they enjoy the idea of freedom and independence.

She tends to be a bit on the sensitive side, but this is due to her high level of emotional intelligence. She has a great sense of humor and enjoys making others laugh. You don’t have a jealous bone in your body, and you don’t care in the least if society finds your chosen set up to be unconventional or undesirable. You are extremely honest in a relationship, and expect the same from your partner. Ironically for a Moon placing which seems so aloof, in this way the bond of trust you have with a partner can be much greater than with many other Moon placings.

Aspects You Need To Know When Dating An Aquarius Man

I have Sag moon and I’ve had 3 serious relationships with Sag suns. They all ended great- no hard feelings even though I’m a Cancer. I married and divorced another Cancer- THAT was the pits and I’m still bitter even though it’s been 10 years. If your moon sign is your partner’s sun sign or vise versa in any direction, you may be able to really relate on perspective but maybe have very different ideas about action. Aquarians are not your average, run of the mill star sign. In fact, they are outliers, eccentrics, visionaries, and innovators.

Aquarius Man: Good Traits, Bad Traits, Love and Sex

They may have some abandonment issues, needing reassurance from their partner from time to time. It’s not that they need attention; they just want to feel valued by their partner. While they can be indecisive in love, these folks want to find their twin flame—and badly, the twins tell mbg. The best way for them to find their match is to meet a like-minded soul who can reflect back all the thoughts bouncing around their head. As such, air moons are a great match; Earth moons might feel too slow and steady for them. They crave a partnership with routine, stability, and tradition but could do well to spice things up once in a while, for the sake of the spark.

If this happens, Aquarius will approach those strange activities Cancer needs as if they weren’t ordinary at all. After all, not everyone can drink a morning coffee in total silence with their partner and enjoy this silence as much as these partners can. People with Leo sun Aquarius moon are loving human beings, and they openly show it when they love someone. These two will experience a sense of belonging with each other, which can feel especially intense because they’re used to being on the outside. “Someone may even offer aid to you in order to reach one of your heart’s most significant aspirations, so speak up if an opportunity presents itself,” he adds.

They are not impressed with signs of superficiality, no matter how beautiful or elegant their partner may be. Sapiosexuals by right and birth, Aquarians are on a level of their own from this point of view. Love life, career, family, none of these have a great enough pull on Aquarians, at least not enough that they would forget about their natural drive towards personal development. And that’s not because of boredom or some other superficial feeling, but because it lacks the opportunities for self-development and personal evolution. If anyone has a different opinion, that’s their problem. Meeting an Aquarius is bound to be a very important event in your life, mainly because if things are matched up, you’ll never want for anything else.

On dates with an Aquarius man, you should aim to look a bit different in a way that makes him feel you’re your own person rather than just one of the sheep. So dress in an ultra-modern style, with a touch of quirkiness or eccentricity and avoid seeming old-fashioned either in your appearance or your opinions. Focus your conversation on topics of social inequality and current humanitarian issues but try to keep emotions out of the equation, as he’s not very good at discussing feelings.

He approached you first, made that brave step and either you like him or not, as a lady, your response must be classy. You have to value yourself first if you want any man to value you after. If an Aquarius man, or any man, is not interested in you, there is nothing you can do about it. You can wave your hair in front of him, smile until your jaws get stuck or dress provocatively, still, you won’t produce any lasting result.