How To Start A Meaningful Conversation On A Dating App

I met my now-fiancé on Tinder in 2013, back when dating apps were a new phenomenon. In his bio, he mentioned something about a frozen yogurt chain that I happened to frequent. After we matched, I dashed off a quick message asking what his go-to order was.

Funny dating questions

You can spend a lifetime making the perfect online dating profile to no avail. Your efforts won’t matter if you can’t break the ice with your winning conversation skills. ” as a conversation starter for dating apps is essentially a death sentence. Unfortunately, dating apps are high effort and anything less than a witty remark or an open-ended question might not even garner a response. Online dating can be tricky because you don’t get to meet the person immediately.

While there’s a lot of pressure that comes with being the one to start a conversation on a dating app, try to look at it as a positive thing. It’s tough to accurately represent who you are as a person on a dating app. Many people are secretly hoping to share more about themselves or explain their profile, which is why this line is such a good one. Chances are the other person will jump at the chance to clarify a thing or two, and maybe even tell a few fun stories about themselves. It’s also a good idea to keep authenticity in mind. “You may not get as many matches this way, but those who do engage will be higher quality connections for you,” Kret says.

This works great, because it’s straightforward and friendly while still being flirty and fun. It’s also not too forward or presumptuous — after all, he/she may not actually be beautiful (though I’m sure she is). Questions are usually easier to respond to than statements. “Hi” is fine, but “What did you do this weekend? Try asking them what they’re looking for on the app, or why they chose to sign up in the first place. Whether it’s been a few weeks or a few years, every couple can use some new fodder for date-night table talk.

Don’t make your date night awkward with both of your silences. You’re probably thinking, about what questions to ask on a first date. But how about something cool to talk about nature. Just use your intuition and go on with the flow. Here are your date questions to ask your potential partner that will help you get to know and make a great impression with each other.

“What is your favorite way to stay healthy? Need some advice here.”

Conversation starters can help you to open the lines of communication without some of the awkwardness and pressure. Conversation starters can also ignite further reflection about your relationship. Perhaps you and your partner have found yourself in a pattern of small talk and discussion that stops at scheduling and household tasks. For more fun ways to connect, pick up the Save Your Marriage Course.

Learning about their family dynamics and the people who raised them can give you a window into who they might be as a partner. They’ll likely be flattered that you’re excited to talk to them. Worst case, they don’t have a sense of humor. Your date may laugh and say, “Everything, and now I realize that childhood is easier than adulting!

This one may trigger deep memories, but at least they will be positive ones. Therefore, you can use it as a starter question, especially if you feel that you already have chemistry and enough of a connection to diving right into the serious stuff. It is not just an icebreaker but is one of the most important questions to ask when trying to learn more about someone new that you are interested in. The answer could be all you need to decide whether or not you are both truly compatible. This one is for the sports fans who match with equally enthusiastic sports fans.

Break the ice with a simple, straight-forward question like this. “You get a glimpse into her day, her job responsibilities, how she deals with stress, her energy level, tone, and how she spends her time,” Jones says. Those small details and what she chooses to focus on—whether good or bad—clue you in on her personality big time. As marriage counselors, we often look for great conversation starters to help clients feel more comfortable opening up and discussing challenging topics with each other. To mix things up a bit, try some of these fun conversation starters on your next date night.

Stand out by jokingly referencing your plans for the relationship, not just for the night. As much as everyone appreciates compliments, the neverending “You’re hot” and “Hey sexy” doesn’t cut it. Find common ground based on their profile information. Or pick something from one of their photos and lightly tease them about it.

Great First Date Questions Backed by Science

When talking with someone on Tinder, it’s important to remember what topics are appropriate and when. Don’t bring up anything too personal or heavy immediately — save those topics for later. The meaning of life is an age-old conversational topic that can bring out a lot of thought-provoking responses. The conversation around this topic can give you an insight into your match and lead to interesting exchanges.