Matching Concept Principle, Solved Examples and FAQs

Now, if we apply the matching principle discussed earlier to this scenario, the expense must be matched with the revenue generated by the PP&E. The matching principle stabilizes the financial performance of companies to prevent sudden increases (or decreases) in profitability which can often be misleading without understanding the full context. For instance, the direct cost of a product is expensed on the income statement only if the product is sold and delivered to the customer. Consider that a business incurs the cost of ?10,00,00,000 on buying an office space expecting that it will serve the business for a period of ten years. In case a loan has been taken for the purchase, then the expense could also include all fees and the interest that is charged on loan for the term it was taken.

  • This principle is important for financial reporting as it ensures that revenues and expenses are properly matched in the income statement.
  • Chartered accountant Michael Brown is the founder and CEO of Double Entry Bookkeeping.
  • Moreover, 70% of companies that have automated more than one-fourth of their accounting functions report moderate or substantial ROI.
  • The matching principle is a fundamental concept in financial reporting that allows accountants to match a company’s expenses with its corresponding revenues in the same accounting period.
  • Hence, if a company purchases an elaborate office system for $252,000 that will be useful for 84 months, the company should report $3,000 of depreciation expense on each of its monthly income statements.

This is especially important in relation to charging off the cost of fixed assets through depreciation, rather than charging the entire amount of these assets to expense as soon as they are purchased. The difference of $10,000 between accounting profit and taxable profit is due to prepaid income which is taxable on cash basis. In the accounting community, the expressions ‘matching principle’ and ‘accruals basis of accounting’ are often used interchangeably. Accruals basis of accounting requires recognition of income and expenses in the accounting periods to which they relate rather than on cash basis. Accruals basis of accounting is therefore similar to the matching principle in that both tend to dissolve the use of cash basis of accounting. The accrual principle recognizes revenues and expenses in the period they are earned/incurred, while the matching principle requires expenses to be recognized in the same period as related revenues.

Matching principle

Since there is an expected future benefit from the use of the asset the matching principle requires that the cost of the asset is spread over its useful life. As there is no direct link between the expense and the revenue a systematic approach is used, which in this case means adopting an appropriate depreciation method such as straight line depreciation. If an expense is not directly tied to revenues, the expense should be reported on the income statement in the accounting period in which it expires or is used up. If the future benefit of a cost cannot be determined, it should be charged to expense immediately.

  • The matching principle requires that expenses should be matched to revenues earned during an accounting period.
  • Because of this, businesses often choose to spread the cost of the building over years or decades.
  • They ensure accurate financial reporting by recognizing revenue in the period it’s earned and linking expenses to the revenues they generate.
  • The usual accounting practice is that any expenses that cannot be traced to specific revenue-generating goods or services are charged as expenses in the income statement of the accounting period in which they are incurred.
  • Period costs are recorded on the financial statement as the company incurs them—for instance, office rent, salaries, and other administrative costs.

But by utilizing depreciation, the Capex amount is allocated evenly until the PP&E balance reaches zero by the end of Year 10. As shown in the screenshot below, the Capex outflow is shown as negative $100 million, which is an outflow of cash used to increase the PP&E balance. Let’s say a company just incurred $100 million in Capex to purchase PP&E at the end of Year 0.

Accounting Ratios

Since there’s no way to directly measure the timing and impact of the new office on revenues, the company will take the useful life of the new office space (measured in years) and depreciate the total cost over that lifetime. Imagine that a company pays its employees an annual bonus for their work during the fiscal year. The policy is to pay 5% of revenues generated over the year, which is paid out in February of the following year. It is impossible to know if a better location or a bigger space will bring in more revenue. It is not possible to know if the employees will be more productive in the new location. As it can be seen, none of these factors is related directly to the business’s new location.

Matching Concept in Accounting Example

There is a need for the accounts department of a business to come up with estimates in cases where no clear correlation exists between revenues and expenses. A business will purchase office supplies for the employees that could be stationery items. While these notebooks, pens, staplers and staple pins are essential, they cannot be correlated with revenue. The matching principle concept is extremely beneficial when it comes to reporting revenues and expenses. It should be noted that although the rent for June is paid in advance on 1 April, based on the matching principle, the rent is an expense for the month of June and is matched to revenue recognized in that month. Suppose a business has a product which sells for 10.00 a unit and costs 4.00 a unit.

Benefits of Matching Principle Concept

This matches costs to sales and therefore gives a more accurate representation of the business, but results in a temporary discrepancy between profit/loss and the cash position of the business. Because use of the matching principle can be labor-intensive, company controllers do not usually employ it for immaterial items. For example, it may not make sense to create a journal entry that spreads the recognition of a $100 supplier invoice over three months, even if the underlying effect will impact all three months. Doing so makes better use of the accountant’s time, and has no material impact on the financial statements.

Solved Matching Concept Example

Despite these criticisms, the matching concept remains widely used in accounting due to its alignment with the accrual basis of accounting and its ability to provide a consistent framework for financial reporting. Nonetheless, it is important for businesses and accountants to critically assess the limitations of the matching concept and consider supplementary measures to enhance the accuracy and relevancy of financial information. By matching the revenue and its related expenses in the same accounting period, the income statement accurately reflects the financial performance of ABC Manufacturing for January.

Example of Matching Concept in Accounting

Read on to understand the significance of the matching concept in accounting, the steps involved, the common challenges in the process, and some tips to improve the process. An accountant will recognize both expenses and revenue and then correlate even though cash flow runs inconsistently. For example, the cost of rendering service amount to $60,000 that occurred in February should be recorded as the expenses in February. Consider that a business purchases specialised machinery at the expense of ?250,000. In such a case, the business has the option to distribute the incurred expense on the machine across the 15 years rather than show it all in one year itself, at the time of its actual purchase. The depreciation expense arises due to a reduction in value of a long term asset caused by its limited useful life.