10 Things You Should Know About Being In A Relationship With An HSP

If this describes you, you may fall into the HSP category. Here are some key signs you’re a highly sensitive male — or know one. Keep in mind that these traits are common to highly sensitive females as well. So, many sensitive or shy guys will want to make sure that their girlfriend or woman of their dreams is taken care of. Some men show this by making sure she always has her drink filled.

Compliment his physical strength

Acceptance of the present moment does not mean surrendering to non-action. It means you bring loving awareness to each moment of your life, so in the end, you know you have lived fully regardless of what happened. We must not disown some phases of our life and push away other parts unless we want to live a partial life. We should remember that each moment in life, including the waiting, the loneliness, the separation, the longing, and the sorrow— are all a glorious and essential piece of the tapestry.

He will also not hold back when it comes to making sure that you’re comfortable and cared for. But if you are left wondering, “How do you tell if a Libra man is using you? If you think that you’re in a committed relationship but your partner has been cheating on you, consider it a red flag. It’s out of character for a Libra man to breach a partner’s trust.

Some guys might admit to being bad texters who prefer phone calls or face-to-face conversations, while others may ping you at all hours of the day and night. But just to clear things up, radio silence from the guy you like is never cool. Lisa Petsinis is a certified coach and self-identified HSP who works with women to ditch overwhelm, take back control of their lives, and reclaim their joy. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including Psych Central, Prevention, POPSUGAR, and YourTango.

traits of a wise person (is this you?)

The shy guy would always pick privacy over public gestures. Sensitive guys can be some of the most insecure guys and sometimes this may be a major turn-off for you. If you love him and care for him, let him know that you do. It will not only make him feel secured but he’ll also enjoy the fact that you’re really into him and that you’re so open about it. If we could separate the role of a life partner from that of a soulmate, we could then reflect on our unique needs and priorities, and design our life accordingly.

You may get overwhelmed by things that excite your partner, and as a result, are not able to do things or attend certain events together. You may find their music too loud, their taste in humour too abrasive, their perfume overpowering. It is merely a reflection of your innate drive to optimize your environment so you can spend your energy on better things. “You want to know that the two of you are the team and that his loyalty is with you as opposed to going to his family,” Pharaon says. Instead of feeling like his girlfriend and priority number one, you’ll often end up playing the role of “mother, maid, and lover,” Costa warns. So the next time they bang their head or gash themselves by accident, remember that to them, it feels like that time you broke your arm.

Basically, they’re exactly what you’ve been hoping for. They swoop in, not with the sharpest sword but with the kindest heart that’s made of gold. Dating a sensitive man could feel like having too much responsibility, but it might also be one of the deepest soul connections you experience. A sensitive man has an air of calmness and exhibits a sense of self-assurance and confidence. He knows how to value and respect the feelings of others because he understands his own.

I as a “sensitive” guy am not motivated by competition or egotism, because I consider myself more evolved. I want a soul connection, so I won’t be up for a woman’s primitive mate selection techniques for long. Highly sensitive people make the most loyal partners.

Don’t expect an elaborate romantic proposal

But she didn’t budge nor let down her guard, neither did she tell me she’s not interested, so I quit her power game. I know there’s a better match for me, but I resent her for doing this. I know she felt the loss, but she’s too egotistical and probably thinks I’m replaceable.

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Moody and manipulative partners will likely continue their controlling behavior unless their partners issue an ultimatum and follow through on the consequences. It’s not healthy for either partner to keep relating to each other in dysfunctional and hurtful ways. Having a social support system and seeking the help of a psychotherapist can help. Moodiness stems from an unwillingness to confront and work through deeper issues. Brooding and blaming others is a way to avoid digging deeper into the inner source of anger and resentment. Moody people avoid facing and resolving their personal conflicts when others accept the blame and cater to them.

You can hang out with him more often or chat, but do not mention anything about going out on a date. Drop subtle hints that you like him but leave it at that. If he is really into you, he will ask you out eventually. Patience is key, you must RusDate issues have patience with a shy guy. Shy guys are great listeners, so if you believe he’s not responding because he’s not paying attention, you’re likely incorrect. In a fit of rage, you might speak something hurtful and blame his shy nature for it.